I call it my Wimbledon lamp, due to the colours - green and purple - which are the official colours of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships. Also, it was in the making during the Championships, June/July 2006.
I have made it to give to Mike for his 70th birthday on August 18th, 2006.
Beautiful lamp Sally! You are becoming quite the expect. Ready to sell yet? LOL
Thanks so much Cil. I think I may be an expert in 30 years if I'm lucky and if I live that long! It is such fun to do and so different from painting - in many ways more difficult (from the physical and "engineering" point of view) and easier in other ways. Anyway I'm really enjoying it.
Definitely not ready to sell yet!
Well as you can see Sally you do have a couple of anxious "buyers" over here! It is a most beautiful lamp. You are so artistic in everything that you do. Such wonderful talent. So now I want a jewellery box and a lamp :)) Tammy
Thanks so much Tam, I'm very flattered by all your comments and when I "get good" you'll be the first on the list! Sally
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