Monday, April 30, 2007

If you are viewing this blog for the first time, you
need to know that it should be read from the BOTTOM
UP in order to get the timing and continuity right.
So if you are keen to see all 113 posts (that can be gone
through very quickly if desired), please scroll down and
start from the beginning.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lamp to hang over the dining room table.

This is definitely my most ambitious yet and I loved doing it even though it took me forever.
Have just completed a smaller version for Kate's dressing table.

The white bougainvillea looking pink.

First birthday coming up soon!

I can hardly believe that
he's going to be one in a couple
of week's time.
Good on ya Bro and Sis!


White bougainvillea - my pride and joy.

We bought this from the side
of the road a couple of years ago when
coming back from a
holiday in the bush.
When the flowers first appear
they are pink and white.

New teal-coloured walls.

Mike has wanted to paint at least two
walls inside the house a darker colour for years!
I finally gave in and now I think they
look gorgeous. Can't imagine why we didn't
do it sooner!
If the picture looks slightly out of focus,
it is, but I think you can get the feeling.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The tree of life. Our first Oriental carpet.

I have tweaked this picture a bit too much on my
Adobe Photoshop and here it
looks much brighter than it really is.
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