Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This is just a test to see if I have got the hang of this Blogger thing.

Should have a picture of me on the left and this text on the right.

Apparently, you can add a message to this text in some way, shape or form - that you will have to work out for yourselves.

If you would like to sign up for a FREE website (or Blogger) like this, the address is: www.picasa.com . Seems I am doing their advertising for them, but I think it could be fun if done correctly. See how you feel.

There just seem to be so many ways one can communicate now, what with email, webcams, websites etc. Amazing!

Love and miss you all. Sally Posted by Picasa

For those of you who haven't met Mike, here is my long-suffering husband who works like a dog so that I can idle away at the computer for hours on end, doing things like this. Do send him a comment, he would be thrilled. For those of you who've never seen either one of us before, hope we didn't give you a terrible fright!